Changes to the blog

October 7, 2009 at 4:31 pm Leave a comment

I know it’s been awhile! I’ve been working on some changes to the blog and wanted to mention them briefly.

I’ve pretty obviously updated the layout to something that I think is a little bit more streamlined and easy to navigate. There is also a new “Random Posts” feature at the top of the sidebar on the right, which I really like!

To make it easier to find what you are looking for, I’ve not only started restructuring the categories and tags, but I’ve also added some new pages which can be accessed via the links at the top of the page. As of this time, I’ve added a “Must Read Posts” page with links to some of the most important articles for easy access and a “Community” page with links to various other sites where myself and other petkey staff members can be reached online.

I’m also trying to create a more extensive list of links to quality resources for pet owners, whether for education or entertainment. If you are interested in a link exchange with the petkeyblog, email me and let me know!

Entry filed under: blog updates.

Happy Friday! Who needs a dog to do agility training? Picking a dog’s brain

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