Archive for June 23, 2009

Thieves return stolen puppy

A photo of Diezel, who is now home from his adventure

A photo of Diezel, who is now home from his mis-adventure

A week after he went missing, five-month-old Boxer puppy, Diezel, was returned to his owner — by the very same people that took him! Matt had agreed to pick his girlfriend, also Diezel’s owner, Brigit, up from work after her shift and took their puppy along for the ride. When he arrived at the bar where Brigit works, Matt ran in for just a moment to let her know that he was there, leaving Diezel in his truck. When he came back out, Diezel was gone. When they reviewed the surveillance footage from the parking lot, Matt and Brigit saw that a man and woman had taken Diezel from the truck. This couple were patrons of the bar that had been leaving just as Matt arrived. Brigit had actually waited on them that evening and the they had even chatted with her and given her their phone numbers, they had no idea that the puppy they were about to steal belonged to her.

After discovering what had happened, Brigit called helpmefindMYPET to report Diezel stolen and have an alert sent out to the community. She also reported the theft to local police, hung lost pet posters, and began leaving voicemails for the thieves at the numbers they’d given her. The couple had already taken Diezel out of state, but after a week, decided to return the puppy once Matt and Brigit agreed not to press charges. Sounds like this story had a happy ending for all involved!

June 23, 2009 at 2:04 pm Leave a comment

Missing puppy all grown up, home with his family

Feathers as a puppy.

Feathers as a puppy.

Ten months after being reported missing in August 2008, a Pomeranian named Feathers has been reunited with his family. His owner Andrea Roundtree called helpmefindMYPET to have a lost pet alert sent out for the three-month-old puppy and frantically searched her neighborhood, posting lost pet posters. After several months with no word of Feathers’ whereabouts, Andrea had given up hope of ever finding him. She married and moved to another city. On June 10, 2009, After finding Feathers and taking him to a veterinarian where his microchip was scanned, Kathy Peterson contacted helpmefindMYPET. Despite the fact that Andrea had moved and her contact information had changed, she was able to be reached by the following day and arrangements were made to get Feathers back home, almost a month after his first birthday!

June 23, 2009 at 12:18 pm Leave a comment


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