Archive for June 19, 2009

Pets and children

The following article was written by Donna Fournier for PetKeyBlog.

girl and pup

As an 8 year old child, I can remember begging my parents for the cute little bunny in the local pet shop. I promised that I would take care of the bunny, feed him, clean the cage, and play with him every day. And I meant that with all my heart. However, the reality was I was off playing Hide-and-Seek with friends, riding my bike in the neighborhood, reading a book, or simply watching TV on a rainy day. My mind drifted away from bunny-care to homework, chores, friends, and other such things. Before long my bunny, Cinnamon, was my mom’s. He responded to her, came to her when she was outside near his hutch, took food from only her, and was fearful of everyone else in the family. I was crushed; Cinnamon was supposed to be “mine” and he hated me. At 8, I just wasn’t responsible enough to care day in and day out for another life form. This was such a valuable lesson; one that has stayed with me throughout my 20 years in working with animals. What I learned then is that even the most responsible, well-meaning, “mature”, caring child isn’t able to be consistent and responsible enough to be the main caregiver. Children have much to explore, learn, and seek while growing up, and it’s not uncommon for even the most mature child to slip on consistency.

What made me think of Cinnamon and my failed attempt at responsible animal care in childhood was the news story out of England of a 4 year old child “bathing” his week old puppy in the toilet and flushing him down. This sparked the old debate; at what point do you bring a pet into your home when you have children? (more…)

June 19, 2009 at 11:04 am 1 comment


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